Wisdom of the Banshee Queen - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Wisdom of the Banshee Queen


3.Wisdom of the Banshee Queen
Bring the Scourgestone Fragments to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in Undercity.
Scourgestone Fragments
Provided Item:
Scourgestone Fragments


Part of this quest happens in Western PlaguelandsUndercity.
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The scourgestones are weak when separated from the skeletal grasp that once held them. Simply holding them in my hands has caused them to fracture and break.

<Mehlar crushes the scourgestones into a pile of rubble.>

Take these fragments to the Banshee Queen, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, at her throne in Undercity. With her lies the knowledge to turn these remains into a weapon against the Scourge.


Do you have something for me, <race>?


These stones carry a taint I do not wish to remember, but one I cannot forget. You try my patience dangerously by bringing these to me.

However, it is clear your heart seeks the same vengeance as I, and I will aid you with instruction.

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