Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
Your reputation with
PLAYER, Orc must be at least Neutral
The Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit at the Altar of Shadows in southeast Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover Gorefiend's Truncheon.
The entirety of this quest happens in Shadowmoon Valley.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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One by one they knelt before him, offering their lives as a show of allegiance. Gorefiend hoisted his sickle and cut clean their heads. Shortly after this slaughter, Gorefiend took his own life.
But this was no act of contrition! No, Gorefiend sought immortality! From the corpses of the fallen death knights rose the Ghostriders of Karabor.
They now ride the roads encircling the Hand of Guldan, awaiting the day that their master returns. It is they who hold the truncheon of Gorefiend. Retrieve it...
You must use the Spectrecles if you wish to see the spirits of Shadowmoon.
Only with all three united may I divine the secrets you so desperately seek!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
Additional Information