A Necessary Distraction - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
A Necessary Distraction


2.A Necessary Distraction
Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
  • Your reputation with The Aldor must be at least Friendly
Exarch Onaala wants you to return to the Ruins of Karabor and find a way to unleash Azaloth on his captors.

Completing quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.
Azaloth Freed


The entirety of this quest happens in Shadowmoon Valley.
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The weapons are authentic, as we feared. Illidan is training demon hunters at the Ruins of Karabor and we must put an end to it.

Do not be fooled by their name, <name>, their power will be used against us as often as against any demon.

Their warlocks summon and subdue demons to be used as part of the initiates' training. A pit lord named Azaloth has proven too strong to be used in training and is kept banished. Find a way to let him loose on his captors. That should buy us the time we need.


Have you completed the task I asked of you?


Let us hope that distraction bought us the time we need to fully learn what we need of the training grounds at Karabor.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1250 experience (75 at max. level)

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