Speak with Rally Zapnabber to use the Zephyrium Capacitorium. While flying to Ruuan Weald, spin the Nether-weather Vane. Deliver the Spinning Nether-weather Vane to O'Mally Zapnabber in Evergrove.
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Hey, <name>. I'm glad I caught you! I have a very important mission!
Here is a nether-weather vane. I need you to take some in flight readings for me and deliver them to my cousin in Ruuan Weald.
Speak with Rally and take a Zephyrium Capacitorium flight to Ruuan Weald. While you're flying, spin the vane!
After you land, bring the spinning vane to O'Mally Zabnabber.
Good luck, <name>. And don't delay!
Also, you get:
3 10
Hello hello! My clo-... I mean, my cousin Tally told me you'd be dropping in. Do you have something for me?
Oh, you took readings from the nether-weather vane? Splendid! The data gained from this instrument -- coupled with my measurements of druid magic -- will bear much fruit!
Oh, the applications will boggle the mind, I assure you!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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