Onward to Ashenvale - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Onward to Ashenvale


Speak with Raene Wolfrunner in Astranaar.


Recently Raene Wolfrunner came through Auberdine from Darnassus and was heading to Ashenvale; she said something about the Furbolgs. I wasn't given an opportunity to ask more about her situation but perhaps you can seek her out and lend her your aid <class>. Take the southern road out of Auberdine. Once you reach Ashenvale border continue your path down the road. There you will find Astranaar and Raene Wolfrunner.


Also, you get: 9


So Thundris Windweaver still thinks I need looking after? I'll need to remind him who saved whom; he seems to forget it was I that pulled him from harm's way.

Well now that you're here, <race>, perhaps I can find something for you to do.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 120 experience (7 20 at max. level)

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