A'dal in Shattrath City wants you to rescue Millhouse Manastorm from the Arcatraz of Tempest Keep.
This quest must be completed in Heroic dungeon difficulty.
| Millhouse Manastorm Rescued |
The following spell will be cast on you:
The entirety of this quest happens in Shattrath City.
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Four trials you must pass before you are deemed worthy by the naaru.
In our travels we have encountered many dangerous beings. Some of these beings we incarcerated and placed in what is now known as the Arcatraz of Tempest Keep.
There is one prisoner, however, that is a victim of circumstance. A stowaway who was in the wrong naaru vessel at the wrong time.
Venture to the Arcatraz and rescue the gnome, Millhouse Manastorm. Ensure his survival.
<A'dal greets you.>
Well done, <name>. You have passed the trial of tenacity.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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