Hch'uu and the Mushroom People - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Hch'uu and the Mushroom People


Take your orphan, Salandria, to Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh. Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive. Then, speak with Hch'uu.
Salandria taken to Sporeggar


I had a friend named Hch'uu. She told me that she ended up in the orphanage because she had to run away from an evil fungal giant and got lost.

We had great fun until her people came and took her away last year. I think she said she was going to live at a place called Sporeggar.

I'd like to go to see her and have a look at her mushroom village. The orphan matron told me that it is on the west side of Zangarmarsh, between the Sporewind and Marshlight lakes.

Can we go? Can we go? Please?!


Thank you for this chance to once again see Salandria. I have missed her so much this past year, but we are still good friends.

We agreed that when we grow up, we're both going to be brave adventurers, just like you!

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