Take your orphan, Salandria, to the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand. Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive. Then, speak with Elementalist Sharvak.
| Salandria taken to the Throne of the Elements |
Have you heard of the Throne of the Elements? It's supposed to be this place in Nagrand where there are these powerful elementals.
One day soon, I'm going to be a powerful mage, or maybe a warlock. I'm gonna have to learn about some of the elemental forces!
Do you think maybe that we could go there?
<Salandria looks at you slyly.>
Ya know, it would be educational to go there. It's supposedly just north of Garadar, on the other side of Skysong Lake.
You bring a child here? Foolhardy, but I promise that she will come to no harm, at least as long as she doesn't get too close to Incineratus.
Hmm, unfortunate that she's a blood elf. Were she capable of a deep connection to the world, we could teach her some things so that she might aid us to heal its wounds. But, perhaps her exposure to the elements here will give her some insight into their workings.
Go in peace and see to it that you take good care of her.
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