The Crone of the Kraul - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Crone of the Kraul


2.The Crone of the Kraul
Bring Razorflank's Medallion to Falfindel Waywarder in Thalanaar.
Razorflank's Medallion


The entirety of this quest happens in Thousand Needles.
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Poor Heralath! And this dwarf... Lonebrow. What a brave soul he was.

We must not let their valiance go for naught. This crone... Charlga Razorflank ... must be stopped.

Surely, infiltrating the Kraul will be perilous. There isn't time to send word to Darnassus. <name>, assemble a party to slay the crone.

Bring me Razorflank's Medallion as proof of demise.


You can choose one of these awards:
Berylline Pads
Stonefist Girdle
Marbled Buckler
You will receive:
Falfindel's Blaster


So long as Charlga Razorflank is mustering a force in Razorfen Kraul, these lands are in great danger.


The crone has been laid to rest. This is fantastic news, <name>.

In these times of peril, it is refreshing to see one as brave as yourself.

With Razorflank's minions taken care of, our studies in the area can continue. Perhaps now we can gain further knowledge of exactly what happened to corrupt the resting place of Agamaggan.

However, I fear the answer to that question lies in treachery as well...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 330 experience (19 80 at max. level)

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