A Vengeful Fate - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
A Vengeful Fate


Bring Razorflank's Heart to Auld Stonespire in Thunder Bluff.
Razorflank's Heart


Cairne is a noble leader for uniting our people here on Thunder Bluff.

But I cannot forgive those who drove us from our ancestral lands as easily as some. My people inhabited the southern Barrens for decades. The land was holy to us. But we were driven off by numerous foes.

A vengeful fate awaits the crone, Charlga Razorflank, who musters a foul army from within Razorfen Kraul.

Bring me Razorflank's heart and I can die in peace, <name>.


You can choose one of these awards:
Berylline Pads Stonefist Girdle Marbled Buckler


Once I know the foul beasts of Razorfen Kraul have been driven from their foul lair, I will be able to rest in peace, knowing that revenge has been served.

Have you the driven the quilboar from the Kraul? Do you bring to me good news in the form of Razorflank's heart?


I see the nasty tribe of Razorfen Kraul now knows the pain of my people. Serves the foul beasts right.

To drive one from a holy land is a sin worthy of the most severe revenge.

Thank you, <name>, for aiding me in my plight.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 330 experience (19 80 at max. level)

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