Use the Shabby Arakkoa Disguise to obtain the Adversarial Bloodlines from Sahaak and return to Hazzik.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Terokkar Forest.
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Open the package, <name>. It is a disguise. It doesn't look very convincing, does it?
I craft them for ethereal smugglers in search of rare books. There is an arakkoa scribe who dwells in the central island in Skettis, Terokk's Rest; his name is Sahaak. He is old and nearly blind.
Use the disguise to speak with him and obtain the book known as the Adversarial Bloodlines. Be careful, <name>. The disguise won't fool the other arakkoa.
The book, <name>. Have you obtained it?
Excellent! This book catalogs the descendants of Terokk's ancient enemies. It is prophesied that their demise will be followed by Terokk's return.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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