Use the Nether Ray Cage in the woods south of Blackwind Landing and slay Blackwind Warp Chasers near the Hungry Nether Ray. Return to Skyguard Handler Deesak when you've completed your task.
Provided Item:
Nether rays are surprisingly loyal and obedient once properly trained. Unfortunately the war on Skettis is taking a toll on them.
We have dozens of sorties a day - the poor fellows rarely get a break. And with recent shortages on feed, if those blasted birdmen don't kill them on a mission then starvation will.
If you can lend a hand, take one of our rays to the woods in the south. They don't mind warp chaser meat as long as it's a fresh kill.
You can choose one of these awards:
The following spell will be cast on you:
Also, you get:
4 40
You're back! Did your ray behave well?
Thanks for taking care of the ray, <name>. Goodness knows these guys fly much better when they're well-fed. We don't want our boys getting shot down because their ray was too weak to fly.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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