Plant the Stonemaul Banner near the entrance to Onyxia's Lair, wait for Onyxia's response, then return to Brogg at Mudsprocket.
Provided Item:
Brogg relishes the thought of taking his revenge on the black dragonkin of the marsh. <name>, you have been very helpful in preparing for this moment. Will you help?
Take Brogg's clan banner and travel east until you see a cave like a dragon's mouth. At the entrance to that cave, plant Stonemaul banner and issue Brogg's challenge to Onyxia.
Brogg and the Stonemaul will have their lands back!
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
1 10
Brogg will have his revenge!
<Brogg listens as you recount your experience at the entrance to Onyxia's lair.>
Brogg suspected Onyxia would be too much of a coward to confront you. Just like black dragonflight to attack when victory is guaranteed.
Brogg is grateful for your help, <name>, and he will never forget what you have done for him. Brogg will never give up his quest to bring Stonemaul back where they belong.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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