Skorn Must Fall! - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Skorn Must Fall!


Chieftain Ashtotem has asked you to use the Winterhoof Emblem at Skorn, and then to speak with the Winterhoof Brave.
Provided Item:
Winterhoof Emblem


<name>, the vrykul fortress, Skorn, sits to the south. Its strange giants have recently awakened and have begun to spread, attacking us wherever they can.

My scouts inform me that they are poised to strike at us here, but I do not have the strength to repel such a force. Instead, we will prepare to leave north to less dangerous lands.

I ask that you use your cunning to buy us time. I've sent a brave ahead with the details. Show this emblem at Skorn and he'll reveal himself and do all he can to aid you.


It will be interesting to learn about your people, <class>, while fighting alongside you.

Shall we proceed?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 400 experience (24 at max. level)

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