Ingvar Must Die! - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Ingvar Must Die!


Dark Ranger Marrah has asked you to kill Ingvar the Plunderer in Utgarde Keep, then bring his head to High Executor Anselm at Vengeance Landing.
Ingvar's Head


Finally, someone's come. I've been here far too long and my wits are beginning to fail me. Of our entire recon party, only I remain.

I shall give you my report and it will be up to you to act upon the information. Know this, <class>; it did not come cheaply.

These vrykul are relentless fighters. Given their numbers and their savage tactics, our only hope is to bring down their leader and pray it brings chaos to their ranks.

Ingvar is his name. Bring his head to Anselm when your duty is done.


You can choose one of these awards:
Executioner's Band
Ring of Decimation
Signet of Swift Judgment
Also, you get: 18 80


Gird up, <race>.

There's much work to be done. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.


Excellent work, <name>. With their leader removed, our efforts against these vrykul should be more successful.

Service such as this cannot go unrewarded!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8050 experience (4 83 at max. level)

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