Longrunner Skycloud has asked you to free his 7 Winterhoof Longrunners. Once you have managed to do so, return to him at Steel Gate.
Something, most likely the walking dead known as the Scourge, has agitated the creatures hereabouts.
While escorting the sage here, we lost most of our hunting force to the riven widows -- huge and deadly spiders, which inhabit the Rivenwood to the north.
I must stay here to protect the small force we have left, but you... you could see if my longrunners are still alive, trapped within the riven widow's cocoons.
Would you do this, stranger?
You can choose one of these awards:
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I hold out hope that my hunting force is still alive.
The sting of the widows is slow to be fatal. They like to keep their victims alive long enough that their babies will be able to gorge themselves when they hatch.
That was a very brave act, <class>. I did not know that your people were capable of such selflessness.
Next time I will heed the warnings of my elders and steer clear of the Rivenwood. I advise you to do the same.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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