Suppressing the Elements - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Suppressing the Elements


Wind Tamer Kagan at Camp Winterhoof wants you to kill 8 mountain elementals. You may kill either Howling Cyclones or Iceshard Elementals.
Mountain Elementals slain (8)


The entirety of this quest happens in Grizzly Hills.
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If you are to survive here, as we have, you must learn to face the environment's challenges head on. The elements will claim your life if you're not vigilant, as the proliferation of elementals in these northern hills shows.

We must cull the elementals one last time before we can leave this place. Are you willing to aid us while we continue to make preparations?

You must kill any iceshard elementals or howling cyclones you encounter in the snowy hills surrounding the outpost.


Also, you get: 4 70


Have you culled the elementals?


The influence of the elemental spirits has receded, but it will return. We've bought ourselves the time we need to complete our tasks here and take our leave.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4000 experience (2 40 at max. level)

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