Ulfang has asked you to slay Garwal. Then, return the Worg Disguise to Watcher Moonleaf at Steel Gate.
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When you've eaten Talonshrike's eyes, you should be able see Garwal and rip out his throat!
<race>-thing, seek out and slay Garwal in the western Rivenwood. After you have killed him, go and tell Moonleaf that I am once more the alpha worg!
You can choose one of these awards:
The following spell will be cast on you:
Also, you get:
9 40
<name>, you have returned. What news of Ulfang?
Garwal was not a worg at all! The thing you describe him turning into sounds a lot like a worgen!
But, Ulfang said that it came south from the Grizzly Hills? Odd. There aren't any worgen there.
I thank you for helping to restore Ulfang to his proper place amongst his pack. Now we both will be able to sleep peacefully.
Please, you must accept this as a sign of gratitude.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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