Call to Arms: Alterac Valley - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Call to Arms: Alterac Valley


Closes Quests
Win an Alterac Valley battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath.
Victory in Alterac Valley


We've recently come extremely close to driving the Stormpike invaders from Alterac Valley. As a result we're redirecting all our reinforcements to aid the Frostwolf Clan.

A decisive victory there would free up the resources we need to crush the Alliance scum on all the other battlefronts.

Go, <name>. Earn great honor by heeding the call of the brave Frostwolf warriors.


Also, you get: 74


You're back! Do you bring news of victory?


There is no greater honor than driving invaders from Horde territories. We salute your great courage in aiding our forces today!

Additional Information