The Rokk in Lower City has asked you collect 15 Mana Berries from the Eco-Domes in Netherstorm.
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Wouldn't you know it, I think my foodstuffs are up to date and someone comes along and requests the unusual: Mana Berry Delight.
Unfortunately, mana berries are only found in the eco-domes of Netherstorm. Just don't bother looking around Stormspire--it's picked clean.
I could only trust someone trained in the culinary arts to pick the best berries, so don't let me down!
You can choose one of these awards:
Any luck, friend?
Those are the juiciest mana berries I've ever seen. I think I'm getting smarter just by looking at them.
Since I no longer need most of my meat and fish stock, why don't you take some? I'm certain you could make something delicious.
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