The Rokk in Lower City has asked you to cook up some Spiritual Soup using his cooking pot. Return to him when it's done.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Shattrath City.
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Death is in the air. I've never had so many orders for my famous soup--it lifts your spirits and soothes the soul.
And I know a fellow cook when I see one! Would you like to help me out and get a cut of the profits?
Here, take my cooking pot, gather some clefthoof meat and I'll let you in on a little secret. What makes my soup so good for the soul? It's not chicken--I cook it at the Ancestral Grounds in Nagrand to soak up all that spiritual stuff there.
You can choose one of these awards:
What smells so good?
That is a fine batch of spiritual soup if I ever did smell one. Just a pinch of pepper and it's done.
As promised, here's your cut. And because you did such a fine job, I'm going to throw in some of my extra stock.
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