It's a Scourge Device - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
It's a Scourge Device


1.It's a Scourge Device
Deliver the Scourge Device to Apothecary Anastasia at the Apothecary Camp.
Scourge Device
Provided Item:
Scourge Device


The entirety of this quest happens in Grizzly Hills.
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The Scourge creature you just destroyed had this device held in its clutches. It has a jewel set into it which looks similar to the one that tops the scourging crystals.

Surely, Apothecary Anastasia would like to have a look at this.


What's that you have there, <class>? Let me have a closer look at it!


I can tell you what this is, <name>. It's a controlling device for those scourging crystals down there!

I bet anything that it can be used to shut down their force fields. Hmmm.

<The apothecary looks thoughtful as she ponders the implications of you having the device.>


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 400 experience (24 at max. level)

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