Swabbin' Soap - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Swabbin' Soap


Scuttle Frostprow wants you to obtain Big Roy's Blubber as the main ingredient for her magic swabbin' soap. Return to her on the eastern pirate ship at Scalawag Point when you have it.
Big Roy's Blubber


The entirety of this quest happens in Howling Fjord.
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Yeah, I got to get the deck swabbed spotless afore Mad Jonah comes 'round. An' I ain't gonna do it on my hands and knees neither!

Problem is, we're all outa soap. That's more your problem than mine though, mate. Being the newbie 'round here, I gots a special trip for ya to make.

Up on the northwest coast of this island, there's a whole mess o' sea lions. Amongst the nearby ice floes you'll find the alpha bull, Big Roy. Bring me back his blubber and I'll magic-up the best soap ya ever seen!


Also, you get: 4 70


Where's that blubber? An' don't try to tell me he ain't got none either.

That Big Roy's so damned big it's a wonder he can still galumph around!


Ew, that's a stink if I ever smelled one!

Go on now, put it down right here. I'll cast my spell and she'll be swabbin' soap for sure!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4000 experience (2 40 at max. level)

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