Adyen the Lightwarden on the Aldor Rise in Shattrath City has requested that you travel to Sunwell Plateau and speak with Larethor.
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By the naaru, I thank you, <race>, for your efforts.
Our work is far from finished, however, and I must request that you undertake a critical mission - one as important as any I've issued.
Our forces are spread thinly. To compound the strain, we've had to dispatch a contingent to Azeroth to investigate developments at the Sunwell Plateau.
You are needed there, <name>. Report to Larethor. Tell him that I wish we could spare more men.
Also, you get:
Another soldier from Shattrath? A welcome sight!
Wish there were more of you, but we'll make due with what we have. Whatever's going on out here won't wait for us to make ready.
Have a look around, <class>. There's much that needs doing. Pitch in and do your share.
Oh, yeah, and don't go tauntin' the cryers - err, Scryers. Looks like we're in this thing together....
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