We Strike! - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
We Strike!


Help Longrunner Proudhoof and his Warsong raiders to survive the assault upon Steeljaw's Caravan and finish off the spirit of Force-Commander Steeljaw.

If successful, report to Overlord Bor'gorok at Bor'gorok Outpost.
Successfully assisted Longrunner Proudhoof's assault.


Part of this quest happens in Borean TundraSholazar Basin.
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One of your orcs named Steeljaw tried to save some time by taking a shortcut through our burial grounds. This had better not be how your Horde normally acts, <race>, or you will find the taunka to be the end of you!

But, you look as if you want to help fix this situation. Good!

Steeljaw's cursed spirit now haunts this place and disturbs the remains of my ancestors. We must put an end to him!

If we live through this, tell your Overlord Bor'gorok at the outpost to the north.

Are you with me?


You can choose one of these awards:
Dusk Watcher's Belt
Shadewrap Gloves
Tundrastrider Boots
Warsong's Fervor
Also, you get: 10


Blood and thunder! You've salvaged our newborn relations with the taunka.

Thank you for putting the situation to rights. Aka'Magosh, <name>!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 10150 experience (6 9 at max. level)

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