Foreman Mortuus at Warsong Hold wants you to free 5 Warsong Peons.
The entirety of this quest happens in Borean Tundra.
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<Mortuus sighs.>
Peons... We may as well post up a sign offering the Nerub'ar a free meal.
See, the problem with a peon is that: (1) they're dumber than dirt; and (2) they're weaker than a leper gnome. Of course they're the first to be taken by the Scourge!
This puts me in a bit of a predicament, you see. Without peons, manual labor comes to a halt. No peons, no construction.
Find and release my peons, <race>. If they're alive, you'll find 'em spun up in webbing throughout Mightstone Quarry.
You can choose one of these awards:
Most of them made it back. The ones smart enough to know that we're inside the gigantic metal and stone building, anyway...
Regardless, a job well done. I hear you sprung more than a couple peons loose.
Oh yes, you're the talk of the... um... fortress.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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