Chieftain Wintergale at Taunka'le Village wants you to bring him 5 Scourged Mammoth Pelts.
The entirety of this quest happens in Borean Tundra.
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To the northeast looms the Temple City of En'kilah, the Scourge's seat in Borean Tundra. From behind its walls, the Scourge commander has sent his Nerubians to surround us.
Remaining on the defensive would doom my people, but my advisors differ in their strategies. Durm would charge in blindly, while Sage Aeire favors stealth.
The Temple City has blighted the nearby lands and the native creatures. Aeire believes the pelts of the scourged mammoths can serve as a cloak that may hide an infiltrator.
Also, you get:
Have you brought the mammoth pelts?
As much as I dislike bringing such disease-ridden things into the village, they may give us an advantage over our foes.
<The chieftain gestures to Sage Aeire and waves dismissively at the pelts.>
While she is preparing the pelts, there is one other element we need to create the cloak.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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