To Steal From Thieves - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
To Steal From Thieves


Bring Kenata, Fardel, and Marcel Dabyrie's Heads to Genavie Callow in Undercity.
Kenata's Head
Marcel's Head
Fardel's Head


The entirety of this quest happens in Undercity.
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The harlot! The swine! Kenata still lives; her family healthy and prospering while I suffer. Forsaken indeed!

My family is gone, taken by the plague. Our estate also forfeit; looted and burned during the war. And after all that, her and her lousy children had the audacity to steal the only precious belongings I had left.

I don't care about the things they stole any more. What I want now are their heads!

Kill them for me! Go to the Dabyrie Farmstead in Arathi, northeast of Refuge Point.


You can choose one of these awards:
Grim Pauldrons
Gallan Cuffs


Kill them all and bring me their heads!


You stand before me as a figure of vengeance, and I bow down before you in thanks.

With that cow's death, and knowing that their seed will no longer spread over the face of Azeroth, I can put my energy into something more lucrative. I hope you looted their farmstead after you finished them off.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 350 experience (21 at max. level)

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