The Horn of Elemental Fury - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Horn of Elemental Fury


3.The Horn of Elemental Fury
Reclaim the Lower Horn Half and Upper Horn Half from Chieftain Burblegoggle and Chieftain Gurgleboggle and bring them to Wind Tamer Barah at Taunka'le Village.
Upper Horn Half
Lower Horn Half
Provided Item:
The Legend of the Horn


Part of this quest happens in Borean TundraWintergrasp.
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I can fashion the likeness of an elemental from these pieces of inanimate stone, but breathing life into it is different. For that, we'll need help and a bit of luck.

Legend tells of an ancient artifact called the Horn of Elemental Fury, sought after by a great hero. I'll lend you a scroll with a copy of the tale. I don't know if the legend is true, but it's our best bet. If the legend is right, the parts of the horn may be in the Flood Plains surrounding the village to the north and southwest.


Also, you get: 4 70


Were you able to find the horn? Was the legend true?


<Barah accepts the pieces of the horn from you and begins trying to fit them together.>

Stormhoof would be proud of you, <name>. Perhaps when we've dealt with the Scourge, I will take the horn with me on a pilgrimage to Stormhoof's tomb.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4000 experience (2 40 at max. level)

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