Foolish Endeavors - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Foolish Endeavors


1.Foolish Endeavors
Help Getry defeat Varidus the Flenser at Warsong Farms.

Report to Garrosh Hellscream should you succeed.
Varidus the Flenser Defeated


The entirety of this quest happens in Borean Tundra.
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This is madness. How do they expect us to take on a Scourge necrolord and an unknown number of his minions?

<Getry sighs.>

If Ickoris sent you he must think that you are capable of great feats. Perhaps you will call down a miracle today, eh?

When you're ready we will descend and face Varidus.

If we make it out of this mess in one piece, report back to Hellscream in Warsong Hold.


You can choose one of these awards:
Reinforced Mendicant's Cowl
Graven Shoveltusk Pendant
Benign Crusader's Plate
Ermine Ruff Cloak


<Hellscream raises an eyebrow at you.>

What's this I hear about a Scourge necrolord?


And you returned victorious, just as I thought! I told Saurfang you'd be fine.

<Hellscream grunts knowingly.>

Perhaps this will show that old dog that he doesn't have all the answers, eh?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6050 experience (3 63 at max. level)

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