The Gearmaster - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Gearmaster


5.The Gearmaster
Research the Gearmaster's Manual and return Mechazod's Head to Fizzcrank Fullthrottle.
The Gearmaster's Manual researched
Mechazod's Head


Gearmaster Mechazod is insane! He says that he offers us immortality by removing this so-called 'Curse of the Flesh', but what he's really making are robotic slaves!

<name>, we're pretty certain that he's still at the pumping station out in the middle of the pools to the east.

The last we saw of him, he was in the command hut up top. Go up there and research his stuff.

You must confront Mechazod if gnomes everywhere,... no, everyone everywhere, are to stay alive!


You can choose one of these awards:
Mender's Cover
Regenerative Hide Harness
Chilled Mail Boots
Icy Ripper Ring
Also, you get: 10


Jinky told me to expect you. Is it done?


<The old gnome breathes a heavy sigh of relief.>

It is done then... you have saved us! If you hadn't stopped him here, then who knows how far his madness would have spread?

With the threats from the blue dragons and the Nexus War, not to mention the Lich King, the last thing we need is a mad creation of the Titans running loose!

Thank you, <name>!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 10150 experience (6 9 at max. level)

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