Souls of the Decursed - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Souls of the Decursed


Use The Greatmother's Soulcatcher to capture the souls of 10 Fizzcrank mechagnomes. Then, return to Greatmother Taiga at Taunka'le Village once you have done so.
Gnome soul captured (10)
Provided Item:
The Greatmother's Soulcatcher


The mechagnomes in the pools to the west are a great mystery to us. They appeared not long after the gnomes disappeared from their pumping station and its environs.

They are an unnatural danger and must be dealt with.

Take this soulcatcher and use it on the remains of the mechagnomes to capture their souls. When you return, we will set them free so that we might find out what happened.


Also, you get: 4 70


How fares your progress?


Now we must free the souls that you have captured.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4000 experience (2 40 at max. level)

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