Raelorasz at the Transitus Shield wants you to enter the Nexus and release Keristrasza.
Malygos has taken Keristrasza to serve as his consort!? Unthinkable!
She'll never cooperate willingly, but Malygos is a powerful aspect, and will eventually bend her will.
This cannot come to pass, <name>. I refuse to allow her to suffer this indignity.
You must enter the Nexus and do whatever is required to spare her this fate.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
4 70
Have you located Keristrasza? Were you able to free her from her bonds?
So, it is done then....
Our kind shall never forget the sacrifice Keristrasza has made for this cause. Nor shall we forget the part you have played, <name>.
May this tragic event serve to further steel our resolve against the threat we face.
On behalf of the Red Dragonflight, please accept this gift as a token of our gratitude.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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