Take your orphan, Salandria, to see the Elite Tauren Chieftain in Silvermoon City's Walk of Elders. Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive.
Maybe I already asked you this, but when you were my age did you know that you wanted to be a <class> when you grew up?
I'm not sure what I want to be. Maybe a mage or a warlock or a Blood Knight, like I said before? Or maybe... A rock star!! Like Sig Nicious, the blood elf, in the Elite Tauren Chieftain!
I heard that when they aren't touring, they hang out in Silvermoon City! They just sit on a balcony in the Walk of Elders waiting for people to stop by.
Please take me there. Please!
Did you see that? They were cheering for me!!
Now I know how they feel when they are up on stage singing! I felt the power and the energy!
Just like they say in their song!
My mind is made up, I am going to be a rock star when I grow up!
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