Filling the Cages - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Filling the Cages


  • Level: 74
  • Requires level: 73
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Samir,
    Start: Samir
  • End: Samir,
    End: Samir
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 73  78  83
2.Filling the Cages
Samir at Granite Springs wants you to use the Bounty Hunter's Cage on a drakkari troll that's been stunned by Budd.
Captured Live Ice Troll
Provided Item:
Bounty Hunter's Cage


'Ol Budd's seen better days.

Ever since our stay in Ghostlands he's been useless to us. We've had to find ways to make it on our own, and today that means sellin' trolls to the highest bidder.

Fortunately, we've recently found a use for Budd. Something about his condition allows him to mingle with the local trolls, so we taught him a little game that's turned us a tidy profit.

See for yourself. Talk to Budd, take him southwest to Drak' Zin Ruins and use this cage as soon as he tags a troll.


You can choose one of these awards:
Grinder of Reverse Emancipation
Warbling Crossbow
Mace of Helotry
Spike of Renounced Autonomy
Yoke Slasher
Sword of the Caged Mind
Also, you get: 5 60


Have you managed to cage an ice troll?


Great work, <class>. Looks like we'll be keepin' Budd around a little longer.

We'll have your cage picked up right away. Here's your share of the bounty.

Oh, and welcome to the camp. Stick around and I'm sure we'll find a use for ya....


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 16600 experience (9 96 at max. level)

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