Where the Wild Things Roam - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Where the Wild Things Roam


5.Where the Wild Things Roam
Soar Hawkfury at Agmar's Hammer in the Dragonblight wants you to use the Pack of Vaccine to vaccinate 5 Snowfall Elk and 5 Arctic Grizzlies.
Snowfall Elk Inoculated (5)
Arctic Grizzly Inoculated (5)
Provided Item:
Pack of Vaccine


Inside this pack are several vials containing the vaccine that Sintar created. I now want you to search the nearby woods for Snowfall elk and arctic grizzlies. When you locate the animals, find a safe distance and throw a vial in their general direction. The vial will shatter and release a fine gas that will act as the inoculating agent. The beasts merely have to step inside the gas and they will be vaccinated - ultimately saved.

Inoculate as many of the beasts as you can and return to me.


You can choose one of these awards:
Battleworn Magnataur Crusher
Crossbow of the Hardened Ranger
Moonrest Garden Stave
Keen Woodland Shank
Spiked Coldwind Club
Staff of Ruby Wood
Also, you get: 5 30


You have done an honorable thing, <name>. Please, choose a reward.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 12300 experience (7 38 at max. level)

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