Deliver your Letter of Introduction to Wyrmrest Temple to Tariolstrasz at Wyrmrest Temple.
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<name>, you must travel as swiftly as you can to Wyrmrest Temple and present this letter to the steward, Tariolstrasz.
The temple sits in the center of the Dragonblight. Follow the road east until it ends, and then cross The Dragon Wastes to get to it.
I'm sure that when the steward reads your introduction, he'll see to it that you gain an audience with Queen Alexstrasza. We can only hope that we're not too late.
Thank you for all that you have done on our behalf. Safe journeys!
Yes, what can I do for you, <race>?
A letter of introduction to meet with the queen? Let me see that.
Whatever your business is, I hope that it's important. The skies are full of attacking blues today!
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