Torture the Torturer - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Torture the Torturer


2.Torture the Torturer
High Executor Wroth at Venomspite wants you to use the branding iron 5 times on Torturer LeCraft to get the information out of him. After that, kill him.
Torturer LeCraft fully questioned
Torturer LeCraft slain
Provided Item:
High Executor's Branding Iron


Enough! I want you to put an end to the torture of my people!

The Onslaught's torturer, LeCraft, has been bleeding information out of everyone that gets caught by those fiends! I need to know what they know.

My sources tell me that he has set up shop in the basement of their barracks, which is right next to the smithy.

I'll loan you my personal branding iron to see to it that the job is done right.

Find him and get that information.


You can choose one of these awards:
Wastewind Garments
Snowfall Reaver Hood
Iceshear Pauldrons
Crystalplate Gauntlets
Also, you get: 5


What news do you bring? Success, no doubt?


They knew all of that? And who the hell is this Grand Admiral Westwind that he spoke of?!

<The high executor grumbles to himself about hating surprises.>

Better that we know than have to guess. I hope that you left your... er, my mark.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8100 experience (4 86 at max. level)

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