The Thane of Voldrune - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Thane of Voldrune


Use Flamebringer to defeat Thane Torvald Eriksson and report to Woodsman Drake at Amberpine Lodge.
Thane Torvald Eriksson slain


The entirety of this quest happens in Grizzly Hills.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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Now that you've captured the flame-imbued talismans and weakened Voldrune's defenses, we can strike at its leader, Thane Torvald Eriksson.

The thane's favorite mount is an unruly proto-drake he calls Flamebringer. It is kept bound in chains in the western part of Voldrune, but with the talismans, you should be able to control it long enough to use it against the thane.

Once you have Flamebringer under your control, search the tops of the towers of Voldrune for the thane and show him no mercy.


You can choose one of these awards:
Headbinder's Crown
Tunic of the Rectified Thane
Legguards of Refuted Feudalism
Skull-Reshaper's Helm
Thane-Reaper's Signet
Also, you get: 5 60


Have you overcome the thane? We cannot risk leaving him in power.


Good work, <name>. I doubt any of the woodsmen would've wanted to take a crack at the proto-drake, but we couldn't afford to let the Dragonflayers build a base of power in Grizzly Hills. If only the Horde was so easily dealt with...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 16600 experience (9 96 at max. level)

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