Agent Skully at New Hearthglen has asked you steal the image of a Onslaught Raven Priest. Return the Banshee's Magic Mirror to her when you have done so.
Provided Item:
You may wonder how I can maintain this guise; I use a magic mirror that was loaned to me by the spy mistress.
It only has so much power in it, but I think there's enough for the both of us. Here, take it. I want you to use it to impersonate one of the Onslaught raven priests.
Be quick about it... I have no idea how long my glamour will last while you have the mirror.
Realize that you won't immediately be perfectly disguised, so don't count on it being foolproof until I've had a chance to help you.
The following spell will be cast on you:
Also, you get:
Please tell me that you didn't break the mirror?!
Not bad, <class>. Now that the priest's image is trapped within the mirror, I have something else that needs doing.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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