Lieutenant Dumont at Amberpine Lodge wants you to go to Evergreen Trading Post and obtain the Cedar Chest.
The entirety of this quest happens in Grizzly Hills.
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We've reached a deadlock with the Horde in Grizzly Hills. Our forces are just about evenly matched and all signs so far have pointed to a stalemate.
Until this morning, that is. The local trappers have requested our help. Apparently the Horde took something that belongs to them... a relic of some sort.
We get this back for them and they'll give us the edge we need. Head to the Evergreen Trading Post, west of Conquest Hold and look for a cedar chest.
You can choose one of these awards:
You bring me that box, <name>?
It's locked, isn't it? It looks pretty ordinary.
<Lieutenant Dumont Shakes the chest, producing a rattling wooden sound.>
No matter, I suppose. If this gets us the edge we need against the Horde, then I could care less if the cure for the Plague was in there.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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