The Conqueror's Task - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Conqueror's Task


3.The Conqueror's Task
Speak to Sergeant Nazgrim in Conquest Hold.


The entirety of this quest happens in Grizzly Hills.
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The Horde is a magnificent war machine and you are nothing but a cog.

I am in charge of securing fuel for this machine. If I fail, the machine fails.

Lumber, ore, water... it's all here and we want it. And so does the Alliance.

Before we can move against the human scum, we need to solidify our control over the western region.

Speak to Sergeant Nazgrim about eradicating the vrykul in Voldrune and then maybe - if you turn out to not be a complete failure - we'll send you on further tasks.


So Krenna sent you to me? She must've not liked you very much, but then again who does she like?

Cracking this vrykul outpost is going to be a tough, tough job.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4150 experience (2 49 at max. level)

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