Prigmon in Granite Springs wants you to collect 5 Shimmering Snowcaps and 5 Ice Serpent Eyes from Drak'Zin Ruins and 5 Sweetroot from Zeb'Halak.
The entirety of this quest happens in Grizzly Hills.
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Say, while yer here, how bout ya help ol' Prigmon with a little chore? I got a friend who can make a mean stew - one like ya never tasted before!
There be a few ingredients found in these parts that he be needin'. They be in ruins to the southwest and the camp just north o' here.
Whatd'ya say, mon?
Also, you get:
5 90
You get those ingredients for 'ol Prigmon, <name>?
Oh, mon - shimmercap stew! I can almost taste it already....
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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