Bring 12 Pristine Crawler Legs to Morgan Stern in Theramore.
The entirety of this quest happens in Dustwallow Marsh.
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Another component of my new recipe is the shelled leg of a giant crab. And the crabs they have in Dustwallow -- Muckshells they call them -- just won't do! I'm afraid the only suitable crabs live far away, in the Swamp of Sorrows.
The shell of the crab leg is a key element of the dish's presentation so I need pristine, unscarred legs. An adult crab might only have one or two such legs, and I need a lot in order to research my dish.
So, <name>... are you willing to travel?
You will receive:
My research with the Mudrock tongues is progressing nicely. I trust your crab hunt goes well?
These are wonderful specimens, <name>! The shells are in perfect condition, and the meat is pink and tender. The blood of a chef is in your veins, I'm sure of it!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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