Creature Comforts - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Creature Comforts


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Captain Grondel at Drak'Agal wants you to bring him 20 pieces of Dead Thornwood.
Dead Thornwood (20)


Well, it ain't glamorous, but it needs doin'.

My troops have been fightin' their hearts out while knee-deep in stagnant water for days on end. That just can't be good fer ya.

What they need is a nice fire to dry 'em out and lighten their spirits.

This part of the city's soaked, but the dead roots of these thornwood trees have a way of resistin' the moisture.

Round us up some fuel for burnin' and we'll be mighty grateful.


The following spell will be cast on you:
Captain Grondel Kill Credit
Also, you get: 1 58


Ya got the wood fer a fire, <race>?


Mighty kind of ya, <name>. Mighty kind indeed.

Now you'll be findin' ol' Finklestein due west o' here, just over the rise.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5300 experience (3 18 at max. level)

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