Post-partum Aggression - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Post-partum Aggression


Kill Broodmother Slivina and return to Dorian Drakestalker at Dorian's Outpost.
Broodmother Slivina slain


The entirety of this quest happens in Sholazar Basin.
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Broodmother Slivina's likely to be a snarling ball of teeth, spikes, and talons. You've gone and stolen her children away and no mother takes kindly to that.

'Tis true they hatched from eggs, but she loves the little beasts no less than your mother loves you.

She'll be desperate and fierce in equal measures, everything Hemet loves in a target. You and he, along with that mammoth, should be a match for her.

She's on her perch at the northern edge of the Savage Thicket and hungers for revenge.


You can choose one of these awards:
Dragon Slayer's Shortbow
Hemet's Trophy Gun
Dorian's Prybar
Nesingwary Brush Burner
Cloak of the Deadliest Game
Polished Protodrake Cloak
Also, you get: 13


Well, you're alive. How did you fare?


Well, I had a whole speech prepared, but the old man himself has some words he wants to say to you.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 26750 experience (16 5 at max. level)

Additional Information

The Snows of Northrend
Complete all of Hemet Nesingwary quests in Northrend up to and including Post-partum Aggression.