Exterminate the Intruders - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Exterminate the Intruders


The Avatar of Freya at the Rainspeaker Rapids wants you to go to the Death's Hand Encampment to the northwest and slay 8 Cultist Infiltrators.
Cultist Infiltrator slain (8)


The entirety of this quest happens in Sholazar Basin.
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I am an embodiment of but one aspect of Freya, daughter of the titans. I am the Lifewarden -- I was left here to protect this land against the threat of the Scourge.

I never anticipated the Lich King would send willing living servants to do his work.

I could easily crush these cultists myself, but I am all that stands between the undead armies and the rest of the basin. Go, <name>. Deliver my wrath to these insolent trespassers.


You can choose one of these awards:
Lifewarden's Raiment
Helm of the Ancient Horn
Treads of Bound Life
Wristguards of Titanic Vengeance
Also, you get: 6 50


Have you destroyed the trespassers, <name>?


You speak the truth. The intruders at the camp were dealt with... but I'm afraid it might have been too late.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 21400 experience (12 84 at max. level)

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