Orithos the Sky Darkener at Death's Breach wants you to recover 15 Saronite Arrows.
The entirety of this quest happens in Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave.
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The Sky Darkeners are mindless constructs with one purpose: KILL! Specifically, they are aiming to kill any man or woman that they see fleeing Havenshire for the safety of New Avalon. We certainly can't allow those cowards to make it to safety and then take up arms against us!
There is one slight problem. They use saronite arrows for maximum range and damage. Saronite, however, is a metal only found in Northrend, so supplies are limited! Retrieve those arrows for me and I will reward you handsomely.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
Bonus talents: 1
The trajectories they are firing at would have most of the arrows land at or near the Havenshire Farm, south of us.
Well done, death knight! You feed the Scourge war machine with your deeds!
Ah yes, your reward - as promised.
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