Baron Rivendare at the Crypt of Remembrance has commanded you to slay 10 Scarlet Crusade Soldiers and 15 Citizens of New Avalon.
Most humans would have fled the moment a Scourge necropolis took up residence in their air space. Not the Scarlet Crusade!
I must confess - I rather enjoy our exchanges with the Crusade. Through the years, Scourge battles against them have resulted in several of the most tragic events in human history. Yet here we stand - AGAIN - locked in battle!
We shan't deny them the pleasures of eternal servitude to the Lich King! Enter New Avalon and fulfill their death wish. Leave no survivors.
You will receive:
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Bonus talents: 2
Like lambs to the slaughter...
You are quite effective with that blade, <name>. Perhaps, Lich King permitting, you would be interested in becoming one of my minions? Stratholme is looking for a new mayor.
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