Convocation at Zol'Heb - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Convocation at Zol'Heb


  • Level: 78
  • Requires level: 74
  • Type: Group
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Har'koa
  • End: Har'koa
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 74  75  79  84
2.Convocation at Zol'Heb
Har'koa at Zim'Torga has asked you to slay the Prophet of Akali.
Prophet of Akali slain
Suggested Players [3]
Provided Item:
Prophet of Akali Convocation


You and your friends must take this instrument of convocation - of summoning - to Zol'Heb just south of Gundrak.

Therein you will find a circle of power. Use the convocation to force the prophet of Akali to appear.

My heart goes out to you, <name>. We have been through much together, and you have done all that you can to not only save my life, but those of the other gods the Drakkari have destroyed.

But I fear this time we may not see each other again until the afterlife.


You can choose one of these awards:
Robe of the Conquered Prophet
Intricate Zandalari Tunic
Chestguard of Rampaging Fury
Links of the Terrified Deity
Also, you get: 20 40


I can only offer you the warmth of my words and the encouragement that comes with them.

Take what time you need to steel and prepare yourself, but I implore you not to take too long or the prophet will surely descend upon us.


You did it! <name>, you are the champion of Zul'Drak!

We will never be able to repay the debt that we owe to you, but the Zandalari have given into my trust a number of objects they believe you might have an interest in.

Please, I want you to have a token of our appreciation, but hurry. I sense another issue of urgency!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 32400 experience (19 44 at max. level)

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